Jammu and Kashmir Police on Sunday said a militant was caught alive during a gunfight in Kulgam district of south Kashmir that left his two associates dead.
A spokesman said two militants of Lashkar-e-Toiba were killed in the gunfight with the government forces in Chidder village of Qaimoh tehsil.
He said a militant surrendered before the forces.
"In pursuance of the policy of giving opportunity to local militants to shun the path of violence and resume normal life, the security forces once again motivated a local youth who had recently joined the militant cadre to surrender today in Kulgam during a fierce encounter, wherein, very heavy volume of fire was brought down on the security forces," said an army spokesman.
He said two militants were kiled in the firefight. "It is once again reiterated that all local militants will be given an opportunity to surrender during operations," he said.
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