GK Bharatiya Janata Party ministers had to cut a sorry figure on Thursday after Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti rejected their demand to handover the rape and murder case of an eight year old Kathua girl to Central Bureau of Investigation.
A delegation of the BJP ministers met the Chief Minister here this afternoon and discussed the Kathua case, and the ongoing strike of Nowshera residents for district status threadbare.
“The Chief Minister outright rejected the demand of the BJP ministers’ delegation to handover the Kathua rape and murder case to the CBI,” the source said.
It may be recalled that on February 28, two senior BJP ministers had defied section 144 imposed by their government and participated in a rally organised by Hindu Ekta Manch, which has been spearheading the agitation to handover the case to CBI.
The ministers had questioned the role of the Crime Branch and said that they would take up the matter with Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti and urge her to hand over the case to the CBI for an “impartial inquiry” and “justice to the victim and her family
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