In a shocking incident, a 16-year-old girl was allegedly raped by a 22-year-old man on Monday. The accused’s sister made a video of the incident, said a report.
An FIR for rape has been filed against the youth while his sister has been accused of abatement. Police are yet to get hold of the video. Investigating officers suspect the allegations to be a result of counter cases filed by two women against each other.
The girl has alleged that she was taken to a house by the man’s sister and raped. The accused also threatened her of dire consequences if she reported the matter, police said, PTI reported.
The police have registered a case on the complaint of the girl. The man and his sister are at large.
According to reports, a series of cases began when Ruksana (name changed), 25, filed a case of theft against Samreen (name changed), 28, on Friday. Samreen then filed an attempt to rape case against Ruksana’s family members on Saturday. Following this, Ruksana filed a case of rape of her 16-year-old niece by Samreen’s brother on Sunday. In her complaint, Ruksana also said that the act was recorded by Samreen.
D K Tyagi, station house officer, Civil Lines police station, said, “The two women, who earlier lived in a shared accommodation, moved back into their respective homes a month ago following a tiff. They have filed a series of cases against each other.
Ruksana also said that her niece was forced into prostitution by Samreen’s family. When the minor refused, she was allegedly raped by Samreen’s brother and the act filmed on camera.
The minor has been sent for medical examination. Action against the accused will be taken after we receive the reports.” The incident took place yesterday in the Civil Lines area pf Muzaffarnagar.
Suspect is the girl