China Now an important Factor in Kashmir issue:Naeem Akther

Greater kashmir Linking China’s move of regularly vetoing attempts to designate chief of Jaish-e-Muhammad Masood Azhar as a “terrorist” by United Nations” with the country’s new policy, J&K Public Works minister Naeem Akhtar has said “such things don’t happen without a reason” and China’s connection with Jaish needed to be understood. In a report published in The Indian Express, Akhtar has said: “The Kashmir issue isn’t limited to the fight between India and Pakistan now. There is another major factor involved. It isn’t Pakistan alone, it is China too. General (Bipin Rawat) said that the Army is ready to fight on both fronts. But there aren’t two fronts anymore. Now it is one single front, circling around. From Bhutan to Arunachal Pradesh, Ladakh, Valley to Jammu, Sri Lanka and Maldives, it is all one front. Pakistan and China aren’t separate”.


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