Korea blasted President Donald Trump
on Saturday for his “reckless, wicked act” of
recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital
and called him a “dotard”
"Considering the fact that the mentally
deranged dotard openly called for a total
destruction of a sovereign state at the UN,
this action is not so surprising," said a
foreign ministry spokesman according to the
state-run KCNA news age
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in
September first called Trump a “dotard,”
which Merriam-Webster defines as “a person
in his or her dotage,” with dotage meaning,
“a state or period of senile decay marked by
decline of mental poise and alertness.”
Keep Up With This Story
Kim Jong Un calls Trump a mentally
deranged U.S. dotard. Searches for 'dotard'
are high as a kite. merriam-webster.com/
Definition of DOTARD
a person in his or her dotage… See the full
The spokesman said that the move by Trump
"clearly shows to the whole world who is the
destroyer of world peace and security, pariah
and rogue in the international community.”
North Korea stated it “strongly condemns”
Trump’s announcement last Wednesday and
his decision to move the U.S. embassy from
Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which angered
Muslims around the world.The US will be held accountable for all
consequences from this reckless, wicked
act,” the spokesman said
North Korea also expressed "firm support
and solidarity for Palestinians and Arab
peoples struggling to win their legitimate
rights." The statement demonstrates North
Korea’s allegiance to countries that despise
Israel including Iran, which in the past has
collaborated with the North on missile
Iran called on countries around the world to
defy Israel’s claim to Jerusalem, which has
religious significance for Jews, Christians
and Muslims and has been claimed by
Israelis and Palestinians. Arab and Muslim
countries faced "a historical and decisive
test,” the Iranian military's chief of staff
Major General Mohammad Bagheri said on
Trump on Saturday afternoon had not fired
back at North Korea’s latest fighting words.
But last month, Trump called Kim “short and
fat” and has dubbed him “rocket man.” In
August, Trump threatened to unleash “fire,
fury and frankly power, the likes of which
this world has never seen before.”
Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by
calling me "old," when I would NEVER call
him "short and fat?" Oh well, I try so hard
to be his friend - and maybe someday that
will happen!
6:18 AM - Nov 12, 2017 · Vietnam
131,245 272,890 617,635
Donald J. Trump
Tensions between the U.S. and North Korea
have elevated since the latter on November
29 tested a missile test that was reportedly
capable of reaching the U.S. The U.S.
conducted large-scale, joint military drills
with South Korea around the Korean
Peninsula through last Friday, an exercise
that the Pyongyang considered a “grave
provocation” that put the region on the
“brink” of nuclear warfare.
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