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Free Paytm Cash:2017

Paytm giving away free cash on mad angles snacks pack. just buy a pack and find the code inside and redeem or on

students tips..The hardest truth of life! # life - Good things take time. - Nobody is thinking about you, people are thinking of themselves. - Time flies. - People change. - You can't change others. - Life is not supposed to be fair and we are supposed to learn to live with it. - The man who follows the crowd will never be followed by a crowd. - Luck matters more than hardwork. - Your happiness may become the reason of someone's sadness. - Everyone will be there with you in good times but only few will be there for you in tough times. - Nothing is meant to be forever. You can't smile 24x7

Triple Talaq Not Against the tenets of Quran: Supreme court

....Now: In a landmark verdict, the Supreme Court by a majority of 3:2 Tuesday ruled that the practice of divorce through triple talaq among Muslims is “void”, “illegal” and “unconstitutional”. The apex court held that the triple talaq is against the basic tenets of Quran. While Chief Justice J S Khehar and Justice S Abdul Nazeer were in favour of putting on hold for six months the practice of triple talaq, asking the government to come out with a law in this regad, Justices Kurian Joseph, Nariman and U U Lalit held it as violative of the Constitution. The majority verdict said “any practice including triple talaq which is against the tenets of Quran in unacceptable”. The three judges also said the practice of divorce through triple talaq is manifestly arbitrary and violative of the Constitution and must be struck down. The minority verdict by CJI Khehar and Justice Nazeer, which favoured to keep on hold the practise of triple talaq for six months, asked the political parties to set aside their differences and help the Centre in coming out with a legislation. The judges in the minority verdict said “if the Centre does not bring a law within six months, then its injunction on triple talaq will continuej CJI Khehar and Justice Nazeer in their minority verdict expressed hope that the Centre’s legislation will take into account concerns of Muslim bodies and the Sharia law.

Anantnag College :Rocked with Protests.

protests rock in college of anantnag of Kashmir. when police organised a t20 cricket programme there details awaited. stay tuned


..Why did Burhan Wani take up arms against India? One needs to know history of the territory, how Indian troops got involved in Kashmir and what kind of treatment the people of Kashmir receive from the Indian occupying forces. Indian involvement in KashmirThe story of Kashmir dispute is long and well-known as one of the oldest unresolved conflicts in UN history. In 1948 alone, the UN Security Council adopted six resolutions on Kashmir but achieved little in securing peace on the ground.In one resolution the UN decided to hold a plebiscite for the Kashmiri people to decide their future, but this never happened.The first chief of the UN mission in Kashmir, Sir Owen Dixon -- a senior Australian judge -- later wrote in a report he was not able to hold the plebiscite because of the presence of “large numbers of regular soldiers of the Indian Army as well as the State Militia and police” in the state.“I could not expose a plebiscite conducted under the authority of the United Nations to the dangers which I believed certainly to exist,” he said.India landed its regular troops in Sri Nagar, Kashmir’s capital city, on Oct. 27, 1947 on the pretext of helping theMaharaja to quell a tribal revolt. Ignoring UN resolutions on the subject, in October 1949 the Indian Constituent Assembly incorporated an article in its constitution declaringKashmir within Indian jurisdiction.In 1951 India conducted an election in which 73 out of 75 seats in Kashmir Assembly were elected uncontested. Why and how so many seats were won uncontested? The authorities simply did not allow any opposition to join any democratic process. Then in October 1956 the same Assembly adopted a resolutiondeclaring Kashmir as an integral part of India.However, it must be noted that not allIndian officials working in Kashmir were brutal and cruel. B. K. Nehru, who served as Delhi’s appointed governor of Kashmir from 1981 to 1984, said in a statement: "From 1953to 1975, Chief Ministers of that State [of J&K] had been nominees of Delhi. Their appointment to that post was legitimized by the holding of farcical and totally rigged elections in which the Congress party led by Delhi's nominee was elected by huge majorities."In fact, the situation in Kashmir did improve significantly for some years. However, it deteriorated significantly after 1987 when the Delhi administration went back to its old ploy.A Newsweek article has pointed out that: “When New Delhi has used a heavy hand -- most notably, throughout the 1990s -- this has resulted in increased popular alienation and increased Pakistani support both for indigenous Kashmir militants and for non-Kashmir attackers infiltrated across the LOC Line of Control between Azad Kashmir which is administered by Pakistan and Indian-occupied Kashmir.”However, the Indian authorities continued to blame Pakistan for the unrest in Kashmir. Recently the conflict escalated following Burhan Wani’s death. Surgical strikeIn response to the uprising of the people of Kashmir, India again accused Pakistan of sponsoring Kashmiri fighters from across the border. But the surgical strike seems to have backfired.since the strike not only the violence has increased in Kashmir, it has created political uproar between the government and the opposition.On Sept. 30 India claimed to have conducted and killed scores of “militants” in a surgical strike inside Azad Kashmir. Indian press and opposition parties were full of praise for the Indian Army. Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwl praised NarenMoi “for strikes on militantbases across the Line of Control”.He also “asked the prime minister to expose Pakistan, which has flatly denied the army operation across thede-facto border”.Soon, however, this turned out to be a political controversy between the opposition and the government. Kejriwal was accused of being “Pakistan’s spokesperson”.Prime Minister Modi also joined the debate. According to The Hindustan Times: “His word of caution came against the backdrop of demands that the government should present proof about the cross-LOC raids to counter the smear campaign by Pakistan.”With patriotic sentiment running highamid soaring tensions with Pakistan, Union minister Uma Bharti said leaders who cast “doubt over the army’s surgical strike should take Pakistani citizenship”.The “surgical strike” claim has also attracted international attention. The New York Times reported: “On Saturday, Mr. Rustam, 22, pointed in that direction and said the Indian troops never left their posts. ‘They are lying,’ he said. ‘They never crossed the LOC.’ A group of villagers standing nearby nodded in agreement.”University of Chicago professor Paul Staniland in a Washington Post article has pointed out that: “The India-Pakistan crisis is not occurring in isolation.” He also highlighted howPakistan was trying to downplay the escalation. Indian diplomacy, propaganda-India, however, seems to have been engaged in a war in all fronts. On Sept. 22 Malaysian intellectual and human right activist Chandra Muzaffar made an appeal to the international community to stand up in support of the people of Kashmir.In response, one Malaysia-based Indian diplomat wrote a letter in The Sun Daily claiming “the article is misinformed, misleading and lacks objectivity”. The Sun Daily converselydeclined to publish a response to thediplomat.Indian authorities are simply ignoringthe real issue. The Newsweek article on the subject has rightly pointed outthat: “For India, the key lesson is to address the root cause of its problem in Kashmir rather than merely blame its woes on Pakistani meddling. The root cause is Delhi’s inability to make the population of Jammu and Kashmir feel that they are truly part of the Indian nation.”Naturally this approach has created frustration among the youth and there has been a sharp rise in extremism and violence in the region.Burhan Wani is a perfect example of the sort of frustration that the Muslim youth suffers today. The Huffington Post article narrates:“Speaking to Youth Ki Awaaz, Muzaffer Ahmed Wani, Burhan's father, explained why his son couldn't be held back: ‘Almost everyone here has been beaten up bythe Army. You also must have had your share. But everyone didn't become a militant. It depends on how much one can take. Yeh aap ki ghairat pe depend karta hai (It depends on your self-respect). Someone's 'Ghairat' got challenged time and again, so he decided to answer back. Others decided to stay quiet. My son couldn't bear to see the atrocities and the humiliation, so he was forced to choose the path which he is on right now.’" Rise of extremismThere is no doubt that extremism and fanaticism are on the rise in the world today. And yes, many Muslims are involved in many extremist and fanatic activities. The war on terror has only created more terror.However, one must also admit that the world body, the UN, has failed to resolve the world’s two oldest conflicts -- Palestine and Kashmir -- to the satisfaction of Palestinians and of the people of Kashmir. Since the beginning of the new century conflicts have spread to Afghanistan,Iraq on the initiative of some Westernpowers and to Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and to many other parts of the world with the participation of many Muslim governments.Attempts have been made to introduce democracy in the Muslim world which has ended up only with hypocrisy. Kashmir is a good example of such democracy. Some are suggesting to the people of Kashmir as well as to Pakistan to learn how to live with a big neighbor. The way Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Sikkim have accepted Indian supremacy; Pakistan also should learn to adopt a pragmatic approach toward India.One fundamental matter that many observers and counter terrorism ‘experts’ do not seem to understand is that Islam not only rejects the idea of human beings are not born with sin and they are not born in lower-caste families because they committed sins in their previous life, Islam stands very strongly for humandignity and promotes justice, equality and transparency.


Indian troops foil China's incursion bid in Ladakh After Chinese troopers found their path blocked by Indian soldiers who formed a human chainN , they began hurling stones, prompting a swift retaliation by Indian border guards.... Indian border guards today foiled an attempt by Chinese soldiers to enter Indian territory along the banks of famous Pangong lake in Ladakh resulting in stone pelting that caused minor injuries to people on both sides, officials said. Soldiers of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) tried to enter the Indian side in two areas--Finger Four and Finger Five-- twice between 6 am and 9 am. But on both the occasions their attempts were thwarted by alert Indian troops, they said. After Chinese troopers found their path blocked by Indian soldiers who formed a human chain, they began hurling stones, prompting a swift retaliation by Indian border guards. Personnel from both sides received minor injuries and the situation was brought under control after the customary banner drill under which both sides hold banners before stepping back to their respective positions. An Army spokesman in New Delhi declined to comment on the incident which came amid continued stand-off between the armies of the two countries at Doklam in Sikkim. Chinese troops had managed to enter upto Finger Four area in the region from where they were sent back. This area has been a bone of contention between India and China as both claim it to be a part of their territory. When the Indian side staked claim to the area during negotiations in late 1990s, the Chinese army constructed a metal-top road and insisted it was part of Aksai Chin, which is under the latter's control, officials said. China had constructed a road up to Finger Four which falls under Siri Jap area and is five km deep into the LAC. Earlier, the Chinese patrols used to come frequently from the northern and southern banks of this lake, whose 45 km stretch is on the Indian side while 90 km is on the Chinese side. Indian forces are now armed with high-speed interceptor boats, bought from the US, which can accommodate nearly 15 soldiers and are equipped with radars, infra-red and GPS systems. These boats are said to be as good as Chinese vessels and are used to conduct reconnaissance and area domination patrols. The situation along the banks of the lake has always remained volatile with Chinese troops being intercepted by Indian Army patrol several times after the three-week long stand-off in the Depsang plains of Daulat Beg Oldie (DBO) in May 2013.
